Financial abuse (and other abuses) happened to me. My exhusband intentionally withheld information about his finances and debts in order to get me to merge finances with his. When we did that, he insisted on taking over the finances because of being the “man of the house.” This enabled him to stop paying bills that resulted in our utilities being turned off while he went for months on end spending money on porn and other guilty pleasures. Even after we tried to sort things out and re-establish our life and marriage, he still spent like crazy and I could not get him to stop. To this day he will insist that I was “too controlling” because I insisted we stay on the budget we jointly agreed upon to pay for our most basic necessities including food, paying for our house/utilities, etc. And because of what I’ve been through and learned from, I’ve made it very clear to those I try and have a relationship with that there will be a prenuptial agreement to protect and respect their financial fitness as well as mine.